Hello everyone from the Bible Hill Kinsmen! We’ve been very busy this fall, with preparations well underway for a number of projects and events.
Our members were once again on site at Civic Square on Truro for the Festival of Lights. Despite the weather not completely cooperating, it was a great night! Hot chocolate proved popular once again, as the never-ending line seemed to show. It was great to see so many people on hand that night, and especially the next evening as Santa took the usual route through the downtown.
The Bible Hill Kinsmen are partnered once again with the Truro Bearcats for the annual Teddy Bear Toss. With the World Junior A Challenge coming very soon, the Bearcats had their last home game of the calendar year on November 29th. A total of 259 teddy bears were collected by our members, and they (the teddy bears, not the Kinsmen) will be distributed through the Christmas Index Program.
You may also have noticed some signage around town for a New Year’s Dance this year at Bible Hill Junior High School. Last year’s smashing success has us excited to see what this year has in store. Big Dog 100.9’s Tyler Granter, also a member of our club, will serve as the DJ. Tickets are $20 per person and you must be at least 19 years of age to attend. The event will runs from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., and please contact any of our members with any questions. You can also email newyearsdance@biblehillkinsmen.ca with any questions.
It’s hard to believe that we’re coming up on the 5th Annual Great Trivia Challenge. There are some big plans in store, which we’ll soon reveal.
We hold meetings on the first and third Thursday of the month, from September to June, at 7:30 p.m. at the Douglas Street Recreation Centre. We’d love to see you there. If you’re interested in joining us for a meeting, or would like more information, email president@biblehillkinsmen.ca.
James Faulkner is Communication Director for the Bible Hill Kinsmen.