The Kinsmen Club of Bible Hill Kinsmen continues to prepare for the 2nd Annual Colchester Book Fair. The two-day sale will be held May 12th and 13th at the Truro Mall, in a space near the lotto booth. Proceeds from this year’s event will go to the Colchester East Hants VON, as well as local groups and organizations supported by the Kinsmen. In addition, leftover books from the sale will once again go to Colchester Community Workshops. As you can see in the small gallery below, the space is slowly taking shape.
It took a lot of effort in the weeks beforehand to sort the books and have them priced to sell. In order to move as much as we could at the end of last year’s sale, the public was able to buy the remaining books at a flat rate per bag. This year, the Kinsmen are simplifying the process by selling everything by weight.
There are seven drop-off locations for this year’s sale: Masstown Market, Sobeys on Prince St and Robie St in Truro, Shur Gain Feeds ‘n Needs, Fundy Appliance in Bible Hill, and the Truro Farmer’s Market. You can also drop books off at the Truro Mall, as there’s a red drop-off box in front of where the sale will be held.
Donations can include books, puzzles, games, DVDs, CDs, vinyl, and comic books. However, the book fair is unable to accept technical manuals, encyclopedias, textbooks, magazines, VHS tapes, or Reader’s Digest Condensed Editions.
For more information on the sale, or to ask a question, email or call 902-895-4533. The Kinsmen look forward to seeing everyone on May 12th from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and on May 13th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.